
Attribute Description (where applicable)
Closure DateClosure/Completed Date without time stamp.
Closure Date StringThe date converted to string according to the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
Closure MonthRepresents the name of the month with respect to Closure/Completed Date.
Closure Month NoRepresents the month of the year with respect to Closure/Completed Date.
Closure Month ShortRepresents the short name of the month (MMM) of the year with respect to Closure/Completed Date.
Closure QuarterRepresents the quarter of the year with respect to Closure/Completed Date.
Closure WeekRepresents the ISO week number with respect to Closure/Completed Date.
Closure WeekdayRepresents the name of the day with respect to Closure/Completed Date.
Closure Weekday NoRepresents the number of a day in a the week with respect to Closure/Completed Date.
Closure YearRepresents the year with respect to Actual Signed Date.
Closure Year MonthRepresents a combination of YEAR and MONTH_OF_YEAR in the format "YYYYMM"
Current Month FlagRepresents a flag that is set to 1 if the date represents the current month. Else the value is 0.
Current Year FlagRepresents a flag that is set to 1 if the date represents the current year. Else the value is 0.
Last 12 Months FlagRepresents a flag that is set to 1 if the date represents one of the last 12 completed months. Else the value is 0. If transfer date is 15 Oct 2020, then last 12 months means the range Oct 2019 until Sep 2020.
Last 24 Months FlagRepresents a flag that is set to 1 if the date represents one of the last 24 completed months. Else the value is 0. If transfer date is 15 Oct 2020, then last 24 months means the range Oct 2018 until Sep 2020.
Previous Month FlagRepresents a flag that is set to 1 if the date represents the previous month. Else the value is 0.
Previous Year FlagRepresents a flag that is set to 1 if the date represents the previous year. Else the value is 0.
Year (Week based)Represents the ISO year with respect to Closure/Completed Date.


Hierarchy Level
Closure Year
Closure Quarter
Closure Month
Closure Date
Closure Year
Closure Quarter
Closure Month
Year (Week based)
Closure Week
Closure Date
Year (Week based)
Closure Week


Model Name

Data source Information

The data source for this object is defined using IFS Developer Tool. The data source contains a number of transformations where the model reads data from the last step, i.e. the Data source view name (DW Source View Name).

Model Table DW Source view (SQL Server) BI Access View Referenced Information Source Recommended Access Type